If you have guests who cannot attend a funeral or memorial service, our funeral live streaming services enable everyone to pay their respects whether in-person or virtually. We ensure that the funeral is filmed and broadcast in real time to the highest possible quality with the option to download the edited recording.
Funeral video streaming is most commonly filmed from discreet fixed positions with two or three cameras positioned around the venue. We are aware that it is a difficult time for all so our staff ensure that we provide the highest levels of service and treat the situation with the respect it deserves.
Our virtual event and live streaming services means the footage from these cameras can be mixed live and broadcast in real-time to a streaming platform of your choice (usually YouTube via a private channel).
We can also capture footage in advance if required and can play back pre-recorded video or display pictures before, during or after the live stream.
Our team will produce the live video footage adding graphics and titles in line with your wishes and live stream the funeral to the online attendees via a private YouTube link or other private streaming platform. If there is no internet at the service venue that’s no problem, we can provide our own reliable 4G internet connection depending on location.
We can also record and edit the funeral video which can then be downloaded or transferred onto DVD or Blu-ray media. This allows friends and loved ones to reflect on their memories in their own time and can be given to those who were unable to see the live streaming of the funeral.
We carry out all our services in a respectful way ensuring video is captured discreetly and according to your wishes. We provide high quality online content with title pages, picture slideshows and graphics as required so you can share pictures with loved ones.
Contact us today for your free no-obligation consultation.
Our funeral live streaming services ensure that family, friends and loved ones from across the world can pay their respects and watch a funeral online. We ensure that we fully and respectfully comply with your wishes, while providing a service of the highest quality.
Funeral video streaming uses cameras positioned in discreet fixed positions with two or three located around the venue. The funeral is then streamed online via a private link to the desired streaming platform so loved ones can watch the funeral live online and pay their respects.
We can broadcast the funeral live on your chosen streaming platform via a private link which only those who are invited can access. We have the expertise to ensure the visual and audio clarity will be of the highest quality.